Jesus Is Mine
Fade, fade, each earthly joy;
Jesus is mine.
Stronger than fleeting hopes,
Jesus is mine.
Dark is the wilderness,
Earth has no resting place,
Jesus alone can bless;
Jesus is mine.
In days of fragile peace,
Jesus is mine.
Through tearful nights of grief,
Jesus is mine.
His voice commands the storm,
His presence stills my soul,
He will sustain my hope;
Jesus is mine.
Jesus is mine,
Jesus is mine,
When all else fails, He still remains;
Jesus is mine.
When on that final day,
Jesus is mine;
Before his radiant face,
Jesus is mine.
Safe in his arms I’ll cling,
Praising my Savior King,
Forevermore I’ll sing:
“Jesus is mine.”
Words: Matt Merker & Jordan Kauflin
Based on the hymn “Fade, Fade, Each Earthly Joy” by Catherine J. Bonar (1821-1884)
Music: Matt Merker, Jordan Kauflin, & Keith Getty
© 2018 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) / Matthew Merker Music (BMI) /
Jordan Kauflin Music (BMI). Admin by CCLI Song #7106791.