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Come to Jesus (Rest in Him)

Are you weary, heavy laden? 

Come and lay your burdens down

Jesus calls you, Jesus draws you; rest in him. 

He is gentle, he is lowly

He delights to bring us peace

Tender shepherd, mighty Savior, rest in him.


How sure, his compassion for us

Oh how deep is his love, 

So come, come to Jesus, and rest in him 


Are you hopeless, are you guilty,

Caught in shame for all your sin?

He pursues you, to forgive you; rest in him. 

He has paid for every failure, 

Mercy flows in endless streams;

Come and follow, freedom calls you: rest in him.

Are you waiting in your sorrows

For this broken world to heal? 

He is coming, soon returning; rest in him. 

We will see him, we will know him,

O what heights of grace revealed: 

From his kindness, every promise then fulfilled; 

Trust in Jesus, he will keep us to the end.



Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin and Matt Merker


©2021 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) / Jordan Kauflin Music (BMI) / Matthew Merker Music (BMI) / Administered at

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